Endless Summer Missions

The Summers Family: Missionary Associates to the Philippines

Archive for inspiration

The countdown has started!

The faith adventure we have embarked on is calling us to take one more giant leap of faith.  We have now set our official date of departure for the Philippines.

We will be leaving March 9th!

Words can’t begin to express the excitement and anticipation that fill our hearts.  We have had so many incredible experiences this last year and journeyed into such a deeper relationship and reliance on God and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

One year ago we made travel plans to visit the Philippines and the Alstons and spend time experiencing the people and culture we believed God was calling us to.

Nine months ago, in faith, we resigned from full time student ministry at DRA to pursue becoming missionaries.  At the time we had not received our official approval and clearance.

Six months ago we had barely begun to build the financial support we needed to leave for the field in the beginning of 2010.

Three months ago we were less than 50% of our needed monthly support and cash budget needed.

Two weeks ago we decided through prayer and faith to take another step of faith and leave for the mission field the end of February regardless of where we stood in regards to financial support.

10 days ago we began to fast and pray for a breakthrough in provision for the ministry we are called to.

Yesterday we received word that we have received enough funding for our first year!  Praise the Lord

Thank you so much to everyone who has helped us get this far and close at the same time.

We are presently still $600 short on needed monthly support in order to stay long term.  If you haven’t yet made a monthly pledge or even a one time donation; or know someone who may be willing to help us reach our needed budget will you let us know?

Please visit our Donate Now page to get more info on how you can help us reach our required budget.

Sir Edmund Burke stated, “It is a tragedy for him to do nothing, who can only do a little.”

Every little bit makes a huge impact collectively with the many who team with us to make this ministry become a reality.

Thank you for praying with us and for us as we begin the culmination of what we see as “God’s Call to Adventure.”

Did You Know?…We Need You!

Did you know?…as missionaries with the Assemblies of God we are 100% funded and supported by a network of friends, family & partnering churches.  We are not funded by our national office, known as the AG World Missions Department, in any way.  So we need you to help us get to the mission field. 100% of your monthly pledges & one time donations go to our moving costs, including travel, missions school, and living expenses while in the Philippines.

Did you know?…that when you begin making monthly donations to our missions acct., the money you send goes to building our cash budget requirements which will fund our move, schooling, vehicle needs & more once we leave.

Did you know?…we can’t leave for the Philippines until we have $3000/month in pledge commitments from our support network turned in to the national office. We have reached the 10% mark for monthly support.

Did you know?…that even a commitment of $25/month will make a huge difference in helping us become missionaries.

Did you know?…we have reached the 50% mark for our cash budget requirements that will fund our move.

Did you know?…we need: 2 supporters @ $250, 10 supporters @ $100, 20 supporters @ $50, & 20 supporters @$25 to make our ministry in the Philippines a reality.

Did you know?…you can set up an automatic monthly contribution to support us or donate now online.

Did you know?…that you make the difference…Thank You!

DONATE NOW! (Click Here)

I Hope You Fail…

“I hope you fail!”
This has got to be the most mean spirited and discouraging thing someone could wish on you or say to you…or is it?
Does God ever allow us to fail?
Does He even enable the failure to occur?
As we look through the old testament we see that His people constantly were failing and struggling, whether it was surviving a drought or becoming enslaved by a foreign power. So what is the common thread in these failures?
They always drew people back to God for their strength and reliance in Him.
When it comes down to it, any endeavor we undertake is a failure without God.
What about the failures that come when we are trying to serve Him and working for His kingdom first? Great question, I always think back to the old sports motivational quote that says, “that which does not kill us makes us stronger”. Overcoming is a huge theme in the Bible.

Jeremiah 1:19 – “They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the LORD.

So the next time you feel like you’ve failed take a moment to give everything you have and are to God, seek His heart and ask, “Am I doing this in my strength or His?”
Maybe when it comes down to it, the very thing you failed in was just too small for what God actually wants to use you in and it takes God sized dreams and reliance on Him for it to happen.
Then when it happens, He’s the only one who can get credit…Think about it.

Great Quotes for the Day…

Mark Batterson: “The shortest pencil is longer than the longest memory.” quoting unknown.

Erwin McManus: “If you can conceive accomplishing your dream, your dream isn’t big enough.”

Mark Batterson: “Dreaming begins with praying…Praying is dreaming.”

What a 1 year old teaches me.

I have a one year old son Riley.
He is beautiful and most of the time happy.
But he is an awesome example of our sin nature.
Selfishness with a body.
He can be very demanding.

My wife and I taught Riley sign language and he has learned many words including eat, more, please. (This is his favorite.)

It is so funny when he really wants something: he does one of two things.
He starts crying, whimpering and demanding whatever object has his attention that minute. If it is something he is allowed to have we tell him he has to say please, by signing (rubbing hand on chest in circular motion). More often than not he gets really angry and will throw himself on the ground crying. We try not to laugh. You would have thought we asked him to do something completely unreasonable.

The second approach is that he sees something and begins to vigorously rub his chest in the motion for ‘please’. Thinking he has unlocked the key to getting whatever he wants. It can be hard to tell him no when the object he asks for is not something he should have. He cries, feelings hurt, not understanding why, when he asked so nicely, he did not get his way.

It is often the same way with prayer and life.
We think just because we ask God really nice or get really pushy about it that we should get it.
But we don’t usually see the big picture (that being the future consequences).
God often says no because it simply isn’t the best for us.

Consider today if your prayers are geared to match God’s desire for the best in your life, or your personal expectations of what you think should be…