Endless Summer Missions

The Summers Family: Missionary Associates to the Philippines

Archive for blogging

The countdown has started!

The faith adventure we have embarked on is calling us to take one more giant leap of faith.  We have now set our official date of departure for the Philippines.

We will be leaving March 9th!

Words can’t begin to express the excitement and anticipation that fill our hearts.  We have had so many incredible experiences this last year and journeyed into such a deeper relationship and reliance on God and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

One year ago we made travel plans to visit the Philippines and the Alstons and spend time experiencing the people and culture we believed God was calling us to.

Nine months ago, in faith, we resigned from full time student ministry at DRA to pursue becoming missionaries.  At the time we had not received our official approval and clearance.

Six months ago we had barely begun to build the financial support we needed to leave for the field in the beginning of 2010.

Three months ago we were less than 50% of our needed monthly support and cash budget needed.

Two weeks ago we decided through prayer and faith to take another step of faith and leave for the mission field the end of February regardless of where we stood in regards to financial support.

10 days ago we began to fast and pray for a breakthrough in provision for the ministry we are called to.

Yesterday we received word that we have received enough funding for our first year!  Praise the Lord

Thank you so much to everyone who has helped us get this far and close at the same time.

We are presently still $600 short on needed monthly support in order to stay long term.  If you haven’t yet made a monthly pledge or even a one time donation; or know someone who may be willing to help us reach our needed budget will you let us know?

Please visit our Donate Now page to get more info on how you can help us reach our required budget.

Sir Edmund Burke stated, “It is a tragedy for him to do nothing, who can only do a little.”

Every little bit makes a huge impact collectively with the many who team with us to make this ministry become a reality.

Thank you for praying with us and for us as we begin the culmination of what we see as “God’s Call to Adventure.”

Great Quotes for the Day…

Mark Batterson: “The shortest pencil is longer than the longest memory.” quoting unknown.

Erwin McManus: “If you can conceive accomplishing your dream, your dream isn’t big enough.”

Mark Batterson: “Dreaming begins with praying…Praying is dreaming.”